Reusable export packaging.
For the export packaging of our products, we use crates and pallets as much as possible instead of single-use packaging. Crates and pallets can be reused, this is a circular system.

Sustainability is taken into account at every step in the production of our plant-based products. For example, we save on natural gas, water, and oil and we use an environmentally friendly refrigerant. We combat food waste and select the suppliers of our machines at their location (as local as possible).
Heat recycling
The heat released on the frying lines during the production of the products normally evaporates outwards. We recover this heat and use it to heat the production and the water for cleaning the factory. This solution means we are less reliant on fossil fuels (natural gas).
Reducing water consumption
For cleaning our machines, a CIP (Clean-In-Place) system has been installed that pumps the water around. You can compare this with the operation of a dishwasher: less water is used than if you were to wash the dishes by hand.
Less oil waste
We use an oil management system to prevent oil loss. The supply and removal of oil takes place via a closed system: a tanker brings oil, fills the tank and is fed to the machines via pipes. This way you get a cleaner system and this leads to less oil waste.
Natural refrigerant
Our products are cooled using an environmentally friendly, natural refrigerant. This natural refrigerant is less harmful to the environment than a chemical refrigerant.
Suppliers of equipment
For the installation of our machines we work together with companies from the Deventer region, so that we can keep transport movements to a minimum.
Food waste
We package the products we produce to order. This way we make exactly the amount that is needed and we ensure that we prevent 'food waste'.
Raw materials
We prefer to source our raw materials as locally as possible. We do not use soy from Brazil, for example, but from Austria and Italy. This saves a lot of kilometres (and therefore carbon emissions) and we are not contributing to the mass deforestation. Another important raw material, our wheat protein, comes from the Netherlands and Germany.
Palm oil free
All our products are palm oil free. With our Vegafit brand, we were the first company to receive a palm oil-free certificate from the Foundation Go Palm Oil Free
The production of palm oil has a major impact on the rainforest and the animals that live in it due to the clearing of the rainforest to establish palm oil plantations.
Making the world a bit more plant-based
Many of our products are 100% plant-based. We have done everything we can to make delicious products without using animal ingredients and we succeeded. We therefore focus as much as possible on plant-based/vegan in the development of our products, because we believe that we can make the world a more plant-based, nicer and greener place.
We also enjoy getting you excited about our products. You can contact us for more information or to make an appointment.